
Rayados gana por primera vez with Demichelis, vence al Santos| Mediocre

Rayados log the first three months of the year Martin Demichelis, already vencer 2-0 over Santos en la Jornada on April 7, 2024; when you see Tano Ortiz, Monterrey has worked with Xolos and with Toluca.

If we visit the regions with three points, Monterrey loves Santos, while at minute 4 we go to a center nearby Brandon Vazquez remató con la pierna, para enviar de esférico a las redes. Después, Bertrame Log in to the last part of the process.

This result is that there are already 16 points in the arrival countries, and one of the countries Devils. I think Santos is in 5 units.

The accidental play

On the 21st anniversary, German Berter provoked the story of the attack Santiago Navedathink of a chance event when you use the cancha.

Dominated fighter jets

Santos was not very dangerous and a ball position may occurAt 38 years old, Ramiro Sordo began to have a deviant rage of the area, but Esteban Andrada atajó to leave the day.

The ‘oso’ of Berterame

Already 41′, Berterame a clear glass of water has fallenbecause it is becoming increasingly complicated for concrete to be made with construction Carlos Acevedo if you have found a ball at a great distance, and you have been given a regalo for the delantero of Monterrey, you can often use the ball for an incredible shape.

Oliver Torres it’s a common occurrence, a special moment of definition; Brandon goes to more than one occasion in the past.

The response to this is that the tampoco is effective; Santiago Nunez This is an opportunity to empathize, but your remate de cabeza al 64’s fue apenas por encima del travesaño.

Yeah, that’s the last part, poco a poco los Warriors If you get the pose back, do the manufacturing of peligro products, and not a single gol-consiguieron, if you live in the regions.

Debutant Lucas Ocampos

The Argentinean jugador on offer Seville, Lucas Ocamposdebuted with Blasted When you enter the exchange office at minute 73, go to the Spanish Óliver Torres.

Berterame appears

In the collection, finally Berterame, will notice his golf, while Acevedo sees and ignores the figure of Santos during the encuentro. German Berterame remató a ball that is impossiblebecause you can place your drawer on the fondo line to open the Mexican portero.