
Le végétal à l’honneur en Anjou à l’occasion des Journées européennes du Patrimoine

For this time 2024 from Yepit is the vegetal identity, an emblem of the territory, that is the honor. For the occasion, the department personally invites you to immerse yourself in the gardens of the former abbey Saint-Aubin, which houses the hotel of the department and the prefecture.
Once the green green is completed, the panel of old customary openings and plébiscités for this event is completed: l’Hôtel du Département, the Châteaux de Montsoreau and du Plessis-Macé, the Collégiale Saint-Martin or two endowments of the departmental archives and the nature conservation départementale du patrimonium.
Ces visits mettront and avant la richesse, the history and the diversity of the notre departement, incarnés by the actors who make the font alive au quotidien. The uncontournable cultural life of the rent is an effective example of a beautiful opportunity with our missions and other métiers.

The information can be discovered on the department’s website:


L’Hôtel du Département // from September 21 to 22 from 10am to 7pm
Place Michel Debré, Angers
Visits to implants in the old abbey of Saint-Aubin.

New:Visit commentary on the gardens of the department hotel and the terrace.
The morning visit is supervised by the person responsible for the garden.

Marché de l’Anjou // September 22 from 10am to 7pm
Place Michel Debré, Angers
Animations & tastings
Retrouvez Produit en Anjou et ses producteurs locaux for a rendezvous local gourmet and convivial.

Collégiale Saint-Martin // from September 21 to 22 from 10am to 7pm
23 rue Saint-Martin, Angers
La Collégiale Saint-Martin presents PROFONDEURS, a completely new immersive installation by Lucie Lom.

Château de Montsoreau – Musée d’Art contemporain // from September 21 to 22 from 10am to 7pm
Passage du Marquis de Geoffre, Montsoreau
Teaching visits to the Château de Montsoreau raviront les amateurs d’art contemporain.

Château du Plessis-Macé // from September 21 to 22 from 2 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
2 rue de Bretagne, Longuenée-en-Anjou
Discover the Château de Plessis-Macé during a visit to the theatres and the work of photographers Eric Tabuchi and Nelly Monnier during the exhibition Atlas des Régions Naturelles.

Les Archives départementales de Maine-et-Loire // September 21 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. and September 22 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
106 rue de Frémur, Angers
Les Archives départementales proposes des visits, ateliers, découvertes ludiques… pour tous les âges!

Novelty : Les Archives presents the European Journals of Patrimoine the first document in the series “Les Incontournables”: an exhibition of emblematic documents from the history of Anjou.

Conservation départementale du patrimoine // September 21 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. and September 22 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
108 rue de Frémur, Angers
Visits and workshops
The Departmental Heritage Conservation is an exception to the demand for mobility objects and an archaeological tooth that represents the department’s service culture and a discovery of contemporary art.

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