
prensa Chilean tituló with duras critique La Roja ante la goleada de Colombia

La victoria de la Seleccion Colombia in your home in the Metropolitano de Barranquilla and Blanco vestida commemorating the celebration of the centenary of the Colombian Football Federation, fue lately for the Tricolor, which goes 4-0 to the Chilean selection this is the Eliminatoria Sudamericanas.

Néstor Lorenzo’s solid equipment, log with the three points and manage your position on the highest tabla with 19 points, the results of the country Argentina (22 points) went to Bolivia (6-0).

Relation: “Fue un muy buen partido, Colombia siempre tuvo hambre de ganar”: Néstor Lorenzo through 4-0 triumph for Chile

Sin embargo, para la “Roja” la jornada fue un auténtico calvario when the end point of the dog is at the last point of the tabla classifications for the Mundial 2026, with solo 5 points.

The Chilean president has made an incisive part of the Chilean selection, targeted by the Argentinian Ricardo Gareca. El medio La Tercera title “Ultimate and desolados: la Roja de Gareca es humillada por Colombia en el horno de Barranquilla”.

La Tercera calificó is a visit to Chile in Barranquilla como “a disaster” and a description of the national escuadra “an equipment that is not explicit en extraviado”. The classification of the classification of the Canadian Mundial, Unidos en México 2026 for the Chileans “parece tan lejano como utópico”.

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Unas “Cada vez más tortuosas Eliminatorias Sudamericanas”a “agonía”, a part “duro y crudo”, son the different calificaciones of the prensa before the view of la Roja.

The medium selection of visits is not necessary “There is a rival, different requirement, the fundamental details of it” and the success of the “bendita” game in Colombia was achieved by the marcador and the brilliant service of “10”, James Rodríguez.

Lea también: Video | Gol de Durán: the fashion man in the Prime Minister Marco in the Colombian region against Chile and Barranquilla

For other people, title CNN from Chile “The era of “Tigre” is a new disaster: Chile won 4-0 against Colombia in Barranquilla”.

Once you answer BioBioChile, your selection will be “estancado”. “Así no da para más: La Roja fue goleada por Colombia y lograr cupo al Mundial es ‘Misión Imposible’”, punishment.

ESPN de Chile says something about the following: “Chile cayó por goleada in Colombia and remains absolutely the elimination of the Sudamericanas elimination”.

Mientras tanto, ChileVision title: “Other things: Chile is in favor of Colombia and the elimination has become a real pesadilla”. There are several criticisms of Chile’s Red Gol, which are public: “Uno a uno de Chile: la peor Roja de la historia da pena ante Colombia”

A los chilenos “solo les queda pensar en noviembre”dice la prensa, y Find an authentic milagro in our próximos duels against Perú, in Lima, and Venezuela, in Santiago, and what you do in the jornadas of Eliminatoria.